Sunday, September 2, 2012

Farmer - the renaissance man

Have you ever wondered who is a farmer? I thought about it a little bit, especially in college. While I was student at Warsaw University of Life Science (SGGW). Farmer, agriculture and farming department - this was a common theme. Unfortunately, sometimes they were difficult discussions. It was not hard to meet gentleman who stated that agriculture is simple, easy, and when you learn you do not have to try. 

So I decided to write who is a farmer… “the man who cultivates potatoes”.

This is a person who has to learn more than basic knowledge of climate and meteorology. Needs to know the impact of climatic conditions on crops and soil. A good farmer must have a fairly detailed knowledge of the same soil - know their types, structure, composition, he has to know what affects the changes in the soil, he has to be able to counteract them. He must know all about the plants... those who grow and those with whom he has to fight every year. He must know how they grow to have a real impact on the yield, which is his profit. He must be able to protect them and know how to collect the fruits of their work to avoid damaging anything. 

Deciding to fight with some plant species he need to know how to do it. To prevent weed chemicals are used. He must be able to use them, so he must know them and know how they affect. In addition to herbicides - because we are talking about them, there are fungicides, zoocides and many others. Knowledge about them is also important. 

He must know the animals. Know their needs, to know what conditions they need to live, to recognize their illness. 

He must be familiar with agriculture machinery. Know what they are, how to use them, how to buy them, to suit them to his own needs. 

Farmer without basic knowledge related to the fulfillment of administrative various applications, computer applications, etc. is actually lossy. 

Musi… i mógłbym tak wymieniać jeszcze przez kilka kolejnych linijek. Dlaczego? Dlatego, że rolnik to w pewnym sensie człowiek renesansu, który musi być matematykiem, fizykiem, chemikiem, biologiem, zootechnikiem, itd. Po prostu musi to wiedzieć, bo inaczej… lipa. 

He must be a good mathematician, because running the farm is almost constant calculations, projections and forecasts, without which it is impossible to create a fully functional farm. 

He must ... and I could just write a few more lines about it. Why? Therefore, the farmer is in a sense a “Renaissance man” who must be a mathematician, a physicist, chemist, biologist, Animal Production specialist, etc. He just need to know this...

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